Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Men Playing Games

Young men spend a lot of time playing computer games, according to the American Time Use Survey. Everyone knows this, but here are the facts.

Teenagers are most likely to play games. On an average day in 2013, a substantial 35 percent of boys aged 15 to 19 spent time playing games. The time use category "playing games" includes computer games as well as card games (bridge, poker) and board games (Monopoly). There's no doubt most are playing computer games. Teenage boys who play games on an average day devote more than half (54 percent) of their leisure time to games—2.65 of their 4.93 hours of leisure.

It gets worse. Although men aged 20 to 24 are less likely than 15-to-19-year-olds to play games on an average day (24 versus 35 percent), those who do devote a larger 3.73 hours to game playing—fully 77 percent of their leisure time. No wonder the nation's fertility rate is at a record low.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, detailed tables from the 2013 American Time Use Survey

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